Menges Law Firm
Project type: website design, UI/UX
Context / Challenges:
This was an online marketing project for a new law firm in Belleville, Illinois. The primary lawyer was young and wanted something that reflected his youth and energy, but without showcasing him as there was also a concern that his youthful appearance would deter some potential clients from hiring him.
During our initial meeting the firm and I discussed options for how we could dynamically showcase the firm’s practice focus, which emphasizes helping those diagnosed with mesothelioma, but that also didn’t pigeon-hole the firm into a specific demographic. I was keen to help the firm push the visual envelope on this project and so my goals for this design would need to reflect that.
Project Scope:
- Ensure that there was strong usability, and a very clear focus on the user experience
- Easy transitioning of visuals and navigation between desktop and mobile views with responsive design
- Align the site visuals to the overall brand messaging
- Employ a color scheme that played off the site images, giving the site a cohesive look and that had a clear and defined contrast to ensure readability for the firm’s personal injury clients
- Selection of site images that did not set the firm distinctly into a single client demographic and that pushed the boundaries of what most law firm websites were doing at the time
Notable Results:
2018 MarCom Platinum Award on behalf of FindLaw
2018 site design (homepage):
2018 site design (practice page master):
2018 site design (about page):